WAS-110 SFP+ module

In my previous blogs I have documented the journey to getting Virgin Media’s XGS PON powered broadband installed and as you will see from reading them the inculded Hub 5x is limited in features and at the time of writing (21/7/24) does not have Modem Mode working properly which makes using your own router tricky. It is possible to bypass the Hub 5x altogether with the help of the WAS-110 SFP+ module this blog will detail what is required to achieve this. 

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Virgin Media’s new XGS PON broadband powered by Nexfibre’s new network offers speeds up to 2Gbps symmetric and is rapidly being rolled out across the country.

Unlike most FTTP installs all you get is Virgin Medias Hub 5x and the fibre goes directly into this rather than via an ONT.

An ONT would allow you to plug your own router quite eaisly where as the Hub 5x is already the router.

While Virgin Media’s DOCSIS based routers or hubs have offered a function called Modem Mode for years they have still not got it fully working on the Hub 5x.

Modem Mode essentially turns off all the router features of the Virgin Media Router/Hub making it act more like an ONT and it just passes the public IPv4 address right though to your own router.

As I documented in my last blog Modem Mode is not in the GUI natively and while I was able to get it working using a hidden page it only works on Port1 which is limited to 1Gbps or 950mbps throughput which means you are not able to achieve the full line speed of the Gig1 or Gig2 services.

It has also come to light that Virgin’s automated hourly performance speed testing done on Hub5x has caused issues with the service epically on Gig2!

There is another option and that is to use a SFP+ module that you plug the fibre cable into and this handles the XGSPON side allowing you to use your own router with full speeds. 

There is a fantastic community called 8311 that have come up with the firmware and instructions to get this working not only for Virgin Media but other ISP’s around the world without them none of this would be possible so a huge thanks to the 8311 community.

Pre Requisites

Before we go any further just a disclaimer that by following this guide you do so at your own risk and note you will not get any support from Virgin Media and if you have any issues with your service you will need to plug your Hub5X back in for troubleshooting with VM.

This is intended for technical people who wish to use their own router and understand the risks involved.

You will need the following for this project:

  • A WAS-110 XGSPON ONU SFP+ Module 
  • LC/APC to SC/APC cable or adaptor 
  • A device with a spare SFP+ slot (ie switch, router etc)

The WAS-110 can be ordered from Fibre Mall based in China or ECIN based in Canada  you can also periodically get it slightly cheaper on group buys in the 8311 Discord. with the added advantage it comes pre loaded with the latest 8311 community firmware!

Note with fibre mall they will ask you what devices your using it with just answer with the device your plugging it into your end.

The WAS-110 is a SFP+module that is essentially an XGSPON ONT/ONU on a stick and together with the 8311 custom firmware allows you to enter the details of your ISP’s device to get connected.


WAS-110 SFP+ module connected to my Mikrotik switch with an active VM XGS PON line

Here are the links from the 8311 Discord community  which provide the full details and may provide more up to date info always worth a read as well.

Virgin Media specific guide

WAS-110 documentation 

The following are the steps you need to follow (based on using a Windows device for setup)  to get the WAS-110 working with VM XGSPON for those that prefer a video guide see my video above or click here:

Plug the WAS-110 into a 10Gbps capable SFP+ port (note some devices such as Mikrotik switches do not bring up the WAS-110 unless an active fibre is connected to it).

Get a connection to the WAS-110 by either:

  • Putting your client device into the same subnet as the WAS-110 by setting a static IP of with default Gateway
  • Adding a static Route to

See if you can get to Web Gui ( and ping the WAS-110 on

Depending on the stock firmware of your WAS-110 stick comes with try the following default web gui credentials:

For Firmware V1.0.21 and above:

| Username | Password |
| admin | BR#22729%635e9 |
| user | user1234 |

For Firmware V1.0.20 and below:

| Username | Password |
| admin | QsCg@7249#5281 |
| user | user1234 

alternatively if they are not working try follow these steps:

  • a. Enter this URL into your web browser
  • b. Copy the XML file into your favourite text editor
  • c. Parse the XML for the admin password eg:

    value=”admin”></param><br /><param name=”Password” rw=”2″ type=”s” flash_rw=”1″ noti=”0″ noti_rw=”1″ key=”0″ flash_encryp=”1″ value_encryp=”1″ accesslist=”Subscriber” value=”plain text password”>

Once you have found the password log into the web gui.

Once logged into to the WebGUI go to Service tab>Service control and enable SSH.

Download the latest WAS-110 8311 Basic firmware from 


Once downloaded extract the contents of the .7z compressed folder.

In windows explorer navigate to the extracted WAS firmware folder extracted earlier then shift+ right click and choose ‘run powershell window here’

In the PowerShell window enter this code to copy the 8311 firmware onto the WAS-110 via SCP:

 scp -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa local-upgrade.tar [email protected]:/tmp/

Once the file has finished transferring from Step 9 run this in the same Power Shell window to install the 8311 firmware to Firmware Bank B on the WAS-110:

 ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa [email protected] 'tar xvf /tmp/local-upgrade.tar -C /tmp/ -- upgrade.sh && /tmp/upgrade.sh -y -r /tmp/local-upgrade.tar’

Once the 8311 firmware has installed and the WAS-110 rebooted check it has now got the 8311 firmware by logging into the webgui with user root and no password (be sure to set one after)

You should be greeted with the 8311 web gui.

You will then need to repeat Step 10 to install the 8311 Firmware again.

This is because the WAS-110 has two firmware partitions or banks A+B by installing once you have only installed to one of the banks and the original firmware is still on the other bank/partition.

By installing the 8311 firmware twice your installing it on both Banks/Partitions which in the event it decides to boot from the other bank/partition you will still have the 8311 firmware.

It is possible the OLT at the other end may trigger the change of firmware to boot from the other bank/partition.

note when SSHing onto the WAS-110 after installing the 8311 firmware the host key will have changed so you may need to add/update this on your trusted hosts in your SSH client.

After installing the firmware twice and the WAS-110 has rebooted you should now see the firmware on both banks/partitions 

you can find this under 8311 menu and Firmware.

In the WAS-110 web gui head to 8311 from the top menu and choose Configuration.

In the Configuration screen enter the following info leaving everything else as default: 

  1. PON Serial Number (ONTID) = PON serial number from label on hub 5x
  2. Equipment ID = F5685LGB
  3. Hardware Version = 1.2.1b
  4. Tick Sync Circuit Pack Version option.
  5. Software Version A+B = 3.7.4-2306.5
  6. MIB File = /etc/mibs/prx300_1V_bell.ini
  7. IP Host MAC Address = C4:EB:43:00:00:01

Once entered save and then reboot the device using  System>reboot from the top menu and if you have not done so already connect the fibre cable (SC/APC end)  into the WAS-110.

Once rebooted log back into the WAS-110 Web Gui.

Then under 8311 menu choose PON status

On the status tab you should hopefully see this line

PON PLOAM Status : O5.1, Associated state

While getting O5.1 is a good sign it does not guarantee you will get a working internet connection as you can get what’s known as false/fake O5 see this for more info.

Connect your WAS-110 to your router and you should by now pick up a Virgin Media public IPv4 address and have a working connection.

If you don’t then double check the details are correct in 8311>configuration page if your still having issues try following the troubleshooting here.

Its also worth noting that some people have found they are not getting a WAN IP on their router if your havving issues its worth trying this:

Go to 8311>Configuration menu then click on the ISP fixes tab.

In here untick/disable the ‘Fix VLANs’ option then reboot the WAS.

Then use VLAN Tag 100 on your routers WAN interface and or anything in between the WAS and your router.

You can reach out to the 8311 Community  discord chat if you have any questions or issues.

My own experince

I ordered my WAS-110 from Fibre Mall which arrived quickly considering it came form China and got it working using the above steps.

It has been working fine now for a few days.

Mine is plugged into a Mikrotik CRS-317-1G-16s+ running in Switch OS mode.

The port on the switch is in its own VLAN which then routes to my pfSense Router for the WAN interface in there.

Once I did the setup and entered the correct details my pfSense router picked up the VM Public IPv4 address and been solid ever since.

The WAS-110 can run hot mines running at ~60C but been told that’s normal.

Its nice to be able to use my own router without the Hub5x in the equation and being able to monitor the XGSPON light level in my switch (and the web gui of the WAS) is also useful.

Hope people find this useful and again huge thanks for the 8311 community for making this possible!