Full Fibre Broadband Checker:
The above checker powered by Better Internet Dashboard shows what Full Fibre services are live or planned at your address by checking with the majority of providers.
If there are no live or planned providers checkout the other ways to check below.
It also shows 3/4/5G mobile coverage at your address.
For more on mobile broadband checkout our 4G Review and 5G Review
For Virgin Media results it may be using:
HFC = Hybrid Fibre Coax is where its Fibre to your street cabinet then Coax copper to your house.
FTTP (RFoG/PIA) = This uses Fibre to the premise but using DOCSIS technology as used on their HFC network as above. Will eventually become proper XGS-PON.
XGS= This is where they use FTTP XGS-PON technology which is what they will migrate/upgrade the rest of the network to in the future. Most likely this is actually Nexfibre’s network but at present Virgin Media are the only provider. This supports up to 2Gbps symmetric.
All three technologies Virgin Media use support Gigabit speeds.
Other ways to check
Think Broadbands postcode search
Simply enter your Postcode prove your not a robot and hit search
You will then be presented with a screen.
The page will tell you the average speed of speed tests other users have performed in your post code area and the availability of services.
If under the middle section you see FTTH/FTTP with a green tick then good news that means FTTP is most likely available at your address!
If Ultrafast is ticket green but not FTTH/P as well that may mean a hybrid Ultrafast service such as G.Fast or Virgin Media is available at your address.
On the right hand side it will usually tell you which providers are offering the FTTP/Ultrafast services.
I have found this checker to be pretty accurate and include availability of smaller providers at address which is lacking from other checkers.
Visit the checker here to see what you can get!
If you are unable to currently get FTTP though Openreach next port of call is here where ISPPreview keep an up-to-date list of all the FTTP providers and where they typically serve though here you can see which ones may cover your area and visit their site to check your address with them.
Its worth keeping an eye on ISPPreview news for any plans by an FTTP provider to build in your area you can also search their archive for any mentions of your area again if any results turn up contact the ISP/Network provider involved and see if what they offer.
If it appears there are no FTTP providers in your area or any plans to build a network you may want to consider taking advantage of the Governments Gigabit voucher scheme where the government subsidise an FTTP build in your area, the more people in your area you can sign up the better your chances.
If there were no Full Fibre services showing as live in the above checker then you can use the BT Openreach checker to see what Copper services and speeds you can get.
Guide on the above BT Openreach checker:
Enter your building name/number, postcode and the captcha and hit submit.
Under featured products if you see WBC FTTP listed then good news you can get FTTP though the Openreach network at your address.
If WBC FTTP is not listed under the first set of Featured products and you see at the bottom of the page ‘FTTP is not available at this address’, then native FTTP is not yet available on the Openreach network.
You may see FTTP on Demand as available this is means you can get Openreach to install FTTP to your address at your cost usually £1000’s!
While on the checker if FTTP is not yet available then you can see what you can currently get on your line.
VDSL= FTTC aka Fibre to the cabinet and copper to your house.
G.Fast = A faster hybrid Fibre product not as good as FTTP and being phased out.
ADSL= Copper all the way from the Exchange to your house slowest connection.
The ranges show what speeds your line is capable for each product clean is best case and impacted is worse case if there are issues on your line this is where internet providers get the speed estimates from when you order a broadband product.
You can find out when Openreach are building their FTTP network in your area here
For a full list of provider’s that can provide FTTP though the Openreach network click here
If your wondering how a Full Fibre build is progressing in your area a good place to monitor is roadworks in your area see our blog post for more details
Register with Full Fibre providers!
It is also worth registering your interest to FTTP network builders such as Full Fibre Ltd and again encourage others in your area to do so as the more interest the better the chance they will build in your area.
There are wholesalers that don’t sell direct to the public like Openreach, Full Fibre Ltd and City Fibre they have partner ISP’s that sell services to the public over their networks.
There are also companies that both build the FTTP network and sell services direct to the public such as Airband and B4RN.
FTTP networks not built by Openreach are considered Alt-Nets you can read more about this on our recent blog post.
There are hundreds of Network builders and Internet Service providers that offer FTTP across the country most focus on certain areas.
For a full list of FTTP Network providers see here
Read our blog post on how to choose the right Internet provider for you