Bayston Hill Cabinet

Alt-net Full Fibre network operator Fibre Heroes (Full Fibre Ltd) have launched a brand new Fibre cabinet in Bayston Hill, Shropshire.  

Project Manager Emma and Project Coordinator Sophie pictured below at the new cabinet that will bring ultrafast Full Fibre broadband to Bayston Hill residents to find out how you can order a connection let us know.


Full speed ahead

This latest announcement is the latest in a number of similar announcements of cabinet launches across the Fibre Heroes network  with a cabinet going live in Oswestry last week and Droitwich and Ross-on-Wye the week before!

In an announcement on Twitter Fibre Heroes said:

We are proud of our super Fibre Heroes who work hard behind the scenes to ensure towns across the UK experience better connectivity ⚡Here is our Project Manager Emma and Project Coordinator Sophie at the launch of our new cabinet in Bayston Hill 🚀

Full Fibre Ltd. who have a consumer facing brand Fibre Heroes are an alt-net wholesaler Full Fibre network provider building a brand new fibre network to cover 500,000 premise by 2025.

Building the network in Bayston Hill started in March 2021 and saw Fibre Heroes overcome challenges such as brining the Fibre to the village over the A5 and A49 over the coming months every single property in Bayston Hill will be able to access the same Gigabit capable service.

They are currently working hard to get more areas live including in Shrewsbury where final testing is talking place ahead of more areas in the town going live (Including my house!).

FullFibre’s FTTP investment in these communities will help address the digital divide between urban and more rural areas and will give everyone access to ultrafast services including the opportunities that come with it.

The introduction of universal full-fibre coverage means any increases in demand for speed and greater quality can easily be catered to through relatively simple upgrades.

As technology advances, upgrades will also be accommodated with minimal disruption.

“Being live in Bayston Hill is a massive achievement for us at Fibre Heroes. We are working across the county and have big plans but achieving connectivity here marks a significant milestone in our plan. I’m particularly proud of my team, their efforts and the way they have applied their extensive experience to overcome what was an imposing challenge of reaching the village across the A49 and A5”.
David Kennedy
Area General Manager for Fibre Heroes
“This is a really exciting step forward for the village. We have all learned just how much we rely on our internet connection in the last couple of years and for many the service has not been good enough. Full fibre will give people access to the highest quality broadband supporting homeworking and helping those using the internet for education to learn on a level playing field.”
Cllr Rosemary Dartnall
Councillor for Bayston Hill

How to get connected to the Fibre Heroes Network:

At the time of writing the availability checker on Fibre Heroes site is not working correctly but we can find out for you. 

As stated above Fibre Heroes form Full Fibre Ltd are a wholesaler and therefore do not sell direct to the public.

You can order services on the Fibre Heroes network though a number of partner Internet Providers such as Air Broadband.

Air Broadband who I am looking to order my Fibre Heroes connection with  have friendly customer service, do not raise their prices mid contract and offer services on the Fibre Heroes network from £25 per month for their Air 100 package which is 110mbps down and 15mbps up.

If you are interested in a Full Fibre service from Fibre Heroes use the button below to get in touch with us and we can help get you connected with a package that suits your needs.