ISP ZYBRE which acquired Air Broadband are due to be removed from Full Fibre Ltd Fibre Heroes network on 6th June 2023.

The news comes after ZYBRE(including Air Broadband) has already been removed from serval other networks inlcuding City Fibre, ONFL and Lilia Connect (VX Fiber).

Zybre issues

We reported back in March of issues being faced by Zybre (including Air Broadband) 

since then its gone from bad to worse for Zybre where customers have still struggled to get in contact and there have been further outages.

Zybre announced on 29th March they were in talks with Home Telecom (part of Talk Talk group) about a possible sale of Zybre’s customers to Home Telecom.

This never happened and the notice has since been taken off Zybre’s website.

Air Broadband’s website has now been taken offline and while Zybre’s website is still up at the time of writing it has been taken offline in recent weeks.

Looking on companies house Zybre now has a

“First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off”

A statement by compaines house says:

“The Registrar of Companies gives notice that, unless cause is shown to the contrary, the Company will be struck off the register and dissolved not less than 2 months from [9th May 2023].

Upon the Company’s dissolution, all property and rights vested in, or held in trust for, the Company are deemed to be bona vacatia, and will belong to the Crown.”

It comes as no surprise that one of the remaining networks that Zybre is running on has decided to pull the plug and stop working with them.

In a statement Full Fibre said:

“FullFibre is no longer working with ZYBRE, however, we continue to work with our other ISP partners to connect homes and businesses to ultrafast broadband across the UK. We wish ZYBRE the very best for the future.

“Whilst this in no way affects the majority of customers on our network, who can expect to experience services as normal, we are working to ensure a seamless transition for those it does affect, and to this end we are offering all ZYBRE customers our full support to find a new service provider. This support includes 60 days of free internet whilst they consider their options.

“It is extremely important to us that those homes and businesses connected on our network are provided with an excellent service, and we routinely make decisions on a daily basis that reinforce this practice. This latest decision is a reflection of this.”


Ofcom have also been investigating Zybre/AirBroadband issues and are deeply concerned. 

Letter some customers have received

Time to change

Full Fibre are going above and beyond to support customers with this situation by giving customers impacted 60 days of free internet access on their own network.

The good news is there are plenty of other ISP partners to choose from on Fibre Heroes network .

Fibre Heroes’ ISP partners now include BeFibre, FACTCO, Gigabit Networks, IDNet, Link Broadband, Merula, OctaPlus, Redline and Squirrel.

If you are in this situation feel free to email us [email protected] and we can also help with the transition.